Brookside Tournament 2015
This year’s Brookside Tournament is just around the corner.
Sign-up sheets are on the club noticeboard, or you can e-mail with the categories you wish to enter.
For those of you who may be unfamiliar with the competition, it is the club’s biggest event perhaps because it is the only one we play on the Brookside shale courts, but more probably because play is on a handicapped basis and literally anyone could win.
Brookside rules and handicapping formulae can be found on the club website.
Categories are:
- Mens singles
- Ladies singles
- Mens doubles
- Ladies doubles
- Mixed doubles
The draw will be held at the club on Sunday 10th of May at 11am so make sure you have your entries in before midnight the day before. Doubles partners are drawn at random. Each entry is at the inflation-proof price of £6. We may be able to take payments online via the club website, otherwise the organisers will collect cash on your first match. All entry fees must be paid before you play the second round.
The competition starts on Saturday 16th of May and runs for three weeks until Finals Day on Sunday 7th of June.
It is important that you try to be around for as much of the three week period as possible, particularly at weekends when most matches tend to be played. Players often enter all three categories open to them so planning is important, especially for doubles matches. First round losers will have the opportunity to enter the plate competitions – the draw for these takes place as soon as practicable following the first round of the competitions.
A competition like this needs a little help from a lot of people – one very important job being to help collect fees, keep an eye on court bookings and confirm/explain the handicapping system, particularly early on in the tournament. Help is normally required from late afternoon until around 8.30pm on weekday evenings and all day at weekends. It is of course shared out into plenty of short periods so that it isnt an unduly onerous undertaking. If you do feel able to give up a little of your time to help, please get in touch with Nick Finley.