Highgate named Sport England ‘Access Sport Ignite Club’
Highgate has this week received confirmation this week from Sport England that Highgate
can become one of the 7 new Access Sports Ignite clubs over the next 3 years. This is wonderful news and demonstrates the commitment the club has shown in developing our tennis facilities and programme for people with disabilities.
Special thanks to Linda Almond for pursuing this wonderful fundraising opportunity.
Founded in 2004 Access Sport is a dynamic charity whose mission is to give more children, particularly in disadvantaged areas, access to a wide range of quality local sport. It looks to harness the proven power of sport to tackle social exclusion, inactivity and obesity in areas where help is most needed. It achieves this through empowering the inspirational community volunteers who set up and run local sports clubs with cash, expert advice and networking to help create thriving clubs which get more people positively engaged.
The club will receive £4,000 of basic funding, 3 years club development support and ongoing training opportunities. We will keep you all posted on how we plan to use this funding over the next few years.