Highgate Summer Tournament Finals Day – Sat 8 August
There will be a chance for you to test your serving skills as we are running a serving competition to see how fast your balls go! There is a prize for the top speed and there will also be a raffle so there’s plenty of chances to win. Prizes include bubbly, a coaching session and a chance to hit with a tennis star! (There is a small charge for these and all proceeds will go to raise funds for the refurbishment of the courts).
After the trophy giving there’s an after party which will begin from 7.30pm with aperitifs and then a barbecue from 8.30. Tickets for food can be bought on the day for £8 – there are both meat and vegetarian options.
The theme for the party will be a fun-a-oke! so there will be great conversation, a chance to be your own DJ and candlelight tennis if you bring your own racket.
We would love you to bring family and friends either in the afternoon or the evening and if you’d like to donate prizes for the raffle or have any enquiries please contact me at: suzy_p@msn.com