Social dates for the diary
Our new social secretaries would like to introduce themselves and ask you to put some dates in your diaries. Hello from Rebekah Billingsley and Susan Paterson who are stepping into the very big gap left by Kim and Vicky.
We’ll be trying to get to know you all over the next few months and bring happiness to your tennis social lives. We are really keen to welcome any new members and make sure you get the most from your club. We have a busy start to the season so please put these dates in your diaries; we’ll send you more information nearer to the time:
Sunday 7th June: Brookside Finals Day: as always, we’ll be cheering the finalists with courtside support. This includes a bar, tea and cake and the infamous raffle.
Saturday 13th June: The Great British Tennis Weekend: what’s not to love about sharing our love of the sport with potential new members and finding an excuse for a barbeque? There’s always a plethora of activities from coaching, table football, table tennis and the famous tennis gun, plus barbeque and bar. We’re also in negotiations for guaranteed sunshine..
Saturday 8th August: THE Summer Party. No it’s not a typo, food, friends and top secret entertainment (which means we haven’t quite decided what we’ll be wowing you with this year). Put it in your diary now and we’ll be in touch. Please get involved, come and say hello and let us know if you’d like to be involved with helping out on the dates.
Volunteers: We’re also looking for volunteers to help us form a social committee or any great ideas you might have on events, particularly ones that might help us raise funds. In particular are there any skilled face painters out there for The Great British Tennis Weekend?
You can contact either of us ( and but please do introduce yourselves to us or get in touch.
Looking forward to socially serving you all. Rebekah and Susan