Start the season tournament – Mon 2nd May 1pm
Our annual Start the Season American doubles tournament will take place on bank holiday Monday 2nd May at 1pm.
This is a fun tournament open to all levels, and a great way to meet different people at the club. If you would like to play, please sign up in the clubhouse or e-mail Nicky Wellfair ( The tournament will be followed by the Wimbledon draw at 4pm and a barbecue. There will be a prize for the person who best matches the colours of the new courts! (Green and blue).
Why not continue having fun on bank holiday Monday by having a BBQ and beer at the club house (and watch the Wimbledon ballot draw) after the start the session tournament. Please add your name on the sign up sheet on the notice board or email: The price of BBQ will be £8 and half price for children and concessions available.