Update re Wimbledon Ballot – Please Read
This year the rules of the Wimbledon Ballot have changed a bit.
The club has received an allocation of 45 pairs of tickets which is an increase from last year.
You may recall that we asked members to ‘opt in’ to the ballot by registering their details with British Tennis. By doing this you have automatically entered yourself into our own club ballot as long as you are also a paid-up member of the club by the time we do our ballot – Monday 4th May 5pm.
The only way therefore that members can enter the ballot is as follows:
- ‘Opt in’ on the British Tennis website by Thursday 30th April – go to www.lta.org.uk/Members/Join/ and follow the instructions. See this post for more details.
- Make sure you have paid your subs by this Thursday 30th April
- Are 9 years old or over
NB – please note this is the only way you can enter the ballot – there is no need to email Julia if you wish to enter. If you have not ‘opted-in’ via British Tennis and paid your subs, you cannot enter the ballot.
If you can’t attend the draw on Monday 4th May then email Julia Faherty (Julia.faherty1@gmail.com) to indicate your preferences of tickets that you would like, should you be successful. A list of tickets is here.
If you are successful in the ballot and are not present, you will be allocated the most expensive ticket available.
Any queries, please email Julia. Apologies for any confusion!
Good luck!