Social Events/Winter League/Pop-up Bar
Dear Members,
Below is an update on planned social events in the next couple of months as well as details of the new social doubles session on a Thursday afternoon.
Social Events
- 12th November Game ON: A fund raising night of brilliant board games chaired by Alan Jenkins. Admission £5, 12 years and up, 7.30pm start – book on open play.
- 11th December Adult Christmas Tournament and Party – please note the change of date
- Carols in the Clubhouse with the Crescent Pluckers – date to be confirmed but likely to be 22nd December
Adult Tennis
- Winter League: Monday and Thursday evenings – book on open play
- New Social Daytime Doubles Session starts Thursday 3rd November at 2pm: This is a free organised social doubles session aimed at intermediate players. There will be 12 places each week and you need to book your place on Open Play. Booking opens a week ahead of the session and closes at midnight on the Tuesday before the session, this is so we can release a court if the session does not need the 3 allocated courts. If you need any further details please contact Sue Barrowcliffe (07767 830095) who will be running these sessions.
- New Beginners/Improvers Doubles Night 6.30-8.30pm from the Friday 4th November (and then weekly). Members & Non members can book and pay for this drop-in session. Bookings open a week ahead. The first hour is coach led with doubles drills and then the second hour is for doubles play. Bookings close Thursday evening. Cost is Members £10 and non Members £12.
Pop-Up Bar – don’t forget this is in place at the weekends and on Winter League evenings and the proceeds are for 2 very good causes – so enjoy the excellent food and drink!
Highgate Tennis