Club Tournament Results and Other Information

Finals Day Schedule and Results

Saturday 23rd September 2023

Winners are in Bold – scores will be added in due course

Tournament Draws

Main Draws

Plate Draws

These draws have been sent to all participants from the booking system email: If you have not received this email please check your spam/junk folder. The same email will be used by tournament organisers if they need to send you further information about your draw.

Do not use this email to contact the tournament organisers – please use the email

Match Guidance

Court Booking

For the final week of the tournament, tournament entrants have booking priority on the main courts 1 to 4. If there are available spaces these courts will be released for non tournament bookings 24 hrs before the start of the booking period.  Tournament players have been given a ‘ Tournament Membership’ to use for their tournament bookings. This allows more open bookings than normal to enable the scheduling of multiple tournament matches in a week.  

If booking a doubles tournament match please provide details of all 4 players when booking the court. Each player is then notified of the booking and the booking is visible as a double match on the court schedule.  At the prompt ‘Number of players’  select Change to Double (4 players).


During the tournament period,  there will be no charge for the floodlights used for the tournament matches on courts 1 and 2 and on all courts from 15th September. The last court booking runs until 10.00pm and you will not be able to continue playing with floodlights beyond 10.00pm.  If you have incurred a floodlight charge because you made a book before this change was made, and wish to be reimbursed for this, please email with details of the match and date you played.  Your booking system account will be credited with the floodlight fee. 

For the remaining tournament period the flood lights will be turned on by Chanya when light is required for play.

Please provide your own balls for matches. For the semi-finals and finals the Club will provide the balls.  Please collect from the bar. 

Match Courtesy 

  • Try to play your matches at the earliest opportunity. Prior experience indicates that there are many unpredictable factors such as, different working schedules, court availability and the typical British weather that impact the scheduling of matches and can result in you losing your matches if not played by the deadline, especially for doubles. So please get your matches fixed and played as early as you can.
  • If a match is still in progress, people watching/waiting for the court should be quiet and wait till the match has finished before going onto the court.
  • No swearing on court. 
  • Confirm the scores to each other after each game, if possible, use the scoring dials to record the games. 
  • Keep warm ups to no more than 5 minutes.
  • Line calls, call your side of the court, however,  If there is a difficult dispute, replay the point.


Best of 3 sets with 7-point tie break at 6/6. Normal deuce.

The Improver’s category is using a round-robin formula; detailed rules are provided on the draw.

Play by the Date

Please play by the date. For any reason, if your side can’t play a match before the deadline,  your opponent will be awarded the match and move onto the next round; If both sides are not able to play your match on time, then the winner will be decided by the flip of a coin.

Contact List

You can find your opponents’ contact details on the  ‘Member List’, in Your Account on the club booking system.

Plate Play

If you have lost your first match, you will be entered into the draw for the plate competition. If you don’t want to play the plate, Remember, you must email the organisers to tell them that you do not want to play the plate, please do it as soon as your match is finished.  If you are already in the plate draw and you still don’t want to play, then your opponent will move to the next round. 


The winner’s side takes responsibility for entering your scores online as well as on the draw charts on the board in the club house as soon as you finish your matches, so as to give the players for the next round the maximum amount of time to arrange their matches. 

To enter results from a match you will need to use your club email address to Sign in to Google Sheets.


If an injury has occurred during a match, and the match has to be stopped, you can rearrange and continue the match as long as it is still within the deadline. If the continuation of the match cannot be arranged before the deadline, the uninjured side gets the chance to move on to the next round.  


During the tournament period and on the final day, we will have some photos taken randomly by organisers or other members for the tournament record. If you don’t want your photos to be displayed online, let us know and we will remove them.


If you have any questions, please email the tournament organisers:

If you have any urgent inquiry or request an arbitration, feel free to call:

Liu Li on 07759 133909;

Jonathan Zahedieh on  07872934416;

Or talking to a coach at the Club.