Charity Tournament Update 2019
Sunday 24 February saw the club’s fourth annual Charity Tournament. A really sunny dry afternoon, contributed to there being 16 participants, more than double last year’s turn out which was on a bleak day.
After a few mix up’s in the initial pairings with organiser Richard C running around like a headless chicken, four rounds of seven games were played followed by a final in which Liz Sich and Fred overcame Keven Balon and Nathalie, club chair William having selflessly forgone the opportunity to make yet another addition to his trophy cabinet. Many thanks to all who participated and in particular Julia for the donation of two splendid lemon cakes.
Chanya and Amy’s absence meant catering was not as professional as it usually is, but an improvised bar, car fridge and a kettle brought over by Richard’s daughter, Melanie, enabled us to bring the total raised for War Child, which does excellent work helping children who have become caught up in largely African wars, to £172.