Court maintenance work – the detail
As has been mentioned in previous newsletters, the club will start working on the maintenance of courts one, two and five on w/c 5th October. The works are schedule to take approximately 3 weeks to complete and we will be working with a company called Doe Sports on the project.
This was a project that was agreed at the Annual General Meeting earlier this year and the committees are pleased that we are starting this work before the bad weather kicks in! See some pictures of what the works will look like below.
To keep you all updated on the impact that the works will have on our programme, we have set out below an update of what work will be happening and how it will impact the schedule. We have tried our best to minimise impact where we can, but we are asking that everyone is as flexible as possible during this period.
In summary courts one and two will be completely resurfaced so that we no don’t have any further issues with water drainage on them, which will allow us to get more play out of them, especially in bad weather. Court five will also be completely patched-up and re-surfaced so that the far end near the wall no longer has a break in the surface. All three courts will be completely re-painted in the spring when the weather is drier and there is less risk of frost.
The main impact of the maintenance work on the programme is as follows:
- Winter Leagues on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday will start w/c 26th October and run until early March as previously
- Online bookable courts on Wednesday nights will be deferred until 28th October
- Tuesday and Thursday social tennis will continue until 20th and 22nd October before Winter League starts
- Monday evenings, courts 3 & 4 will be available for club play (i.e. ladders) – unless being used for a ladder, max time per pair or 4 to be 60 mins
- This seasons’ ladder to run until mid-Jan to give more time for matches to be played
In order to help with pressure on the courts we will also increase our work on Brookside to ensure that these courts are playable throughout October. Steve Shea will endeavour to be around as much as possible to manage any situations that arise, but if in doubt, please refer to the detail of the impact of the works as outlined below and further more detailed contingency plans that are available here and on the club house notice board.
We will also be starting a fundraising campaign to help recoup some of the cash for this and other Highgate projects – keep an eye on the website and newsletter for more details and remember the club auction on Saturday 14th November.
More detail about what will happen when the school courts and playable and unplayable can be found below. If you have any queries please email
Best wishes
Miki Lentin (Tennis Chair)
When School Courts are Playable
- Midweek Daytimes (up until 4.00pm)
- Scheduled day time group coaching sessions allocated courts 3
- Outside these sessions court 4 reserved for adult members and court 3 for coaches to use for private coaching
- Brookside available for members and coaches (first come first served basis)
- Midweek Evenings up until 7.00pm
- Scheduled coaching sessions have priority on courts 3 and 4 and can transfer from courts 1,2 and 5 as agreed by the Director of Tennis
- Brookside to be available for club open play as long as light permits
- Midweek Evenings 7.00pm onwards – Adult sessions have priority on courts 3 and 4 as follows:
- Monday evenings 7.00pm – 10.00pm – Courts 3 and 4 for club open play (can be used for ladders)
- Tuesday evenings 7.00pm – 10.00pm – Courts 3 and 4 for social tennis
- Wednesday evening 7.00pm – 10.00pm – Courts 3 and 4 to be reserved for inter-club league matches
- Toby to move from court 5 to school court C
- 2 school courts for club open play
- Thursday evening 7.00pm – 10.00pm – Courts 3 and 4 for social tennis
- Friday evenings – 7.00pm – 10.00pm – Junior squads have priority on courts 3 and 4
- Saturday 9.00am – 2.00pm
- Courts 3 and 4 plus 2 Brookside courts for open club play
- 1 Brookside Court allocated for Court 5 or S&C Coaching – allocation to be agreed between coaching
- Steve to move from Main Court to School Court D 11.30am – 1.30pm
- Saturday 2.00pm onwards
- Courts 3 and 4 plus 2 Brookside courts for social tennis
- Toby to move from court 5 to school court
- Sunday 9.00am – 2.00pm
- Courts 3 and 4 plus 2 Brookside courts for open club play
- Toma to move from Main Court 5 to School Court A 9.00am – 1.00pm (then to Brookside from 1.00pm)
- Sunday 2.00pm onwards
- Courts 3 and 4 plus 2 Brookside courts for social tennis
- Piotr to keep Brookside allocation on Sunday (1 court)
- Toma to move from court 5 to Brookside from 1.00pm
If School Courts Unplayable
- Wet weather soppers and squeegees should be used as much as possible to make courts playable however members play at their own risk, coaches to assess risk for junior squads.
- Scheduled coaching activities on school courts may transfer to main courts 3 and 4, up until 7.00pm only (Monday to Thursday) and up until 9.00pm on Fridays, if these courts are available. The Director of Tennis to agree allocation priorities between squads and coaches.
- Midweek up until it is dark scheduled coaching activities on school courts may also transfer to Brookside