Drainage works From16th January for 4 weeks
Please note that from Monday 16th January there will some emergency drainage works being carried out adjacent to court 5. These essential works have been arranged by the trust and are expected to last around 4 weeks.
Works area
There will a temporary fenced off site running from and bisecting the North London car park (which will remain accessible to vehicles), down past court 5 ending with a further temporary fence from the court 5 gate to the school fence (the red dashed line in the figure below). Court 5 will remain accessible and in use.
How it affects you
- There will be no pedestrian access between the North London CC car park and Highgate tennis courts and clubhouse.
- There will be significantly reduced parking by the clubhouse and main courts and a restricted turning area (especially for larger vehicles). Therefore, members and junior parents (picking up/dropping off) driving to the club from Park Road are strongly encouraged to park by the bungalow and Brookside and then walk up to the club.
These arrangements will be reviewed once the works are in place and may be subject to change.
If you have any queries on these works please email or speak to Richard Tusting rich.tea99@gmail.com or Andy Newton newton_andrew@hotmail.com.