Entries by Liz Berryman

January to End of April 2024 Singles Ladder

The September to December 2023 ladder session will end 10.00pm on Sunday, 31st December.  The closing date to register for the next ladder, running January to April ladder is 7.00pm 31st December 2023. Please register here: https://highgatecltc.clubsolution.co.uk/?hold=14557 More details about the ladder and the rules are found here: Note: Booking confirmations are sent from the email […]

Highgate Ladder

The current ladder session will end at midnight, Tuesday, 31 Dec.   If anyone would like to be added to the new ladder session (January to 30 April), or if you are currently in but want to drop out of the next session, then please send Richard an e-mail. Please remember that you need to […]

Using the New Club Management System for Court Bookings

We have now implemented a new Club Management System using the Software Platform Openplay. This system will enable you to manage your membership subscription online and make online bookings for coaching activities, courts and social events at the club. For more details of how we are using your personal detail please see the Club Privacy […]

Develop Your Child’s Emotional IQ

HPT Parents Workshops – Over 3 sessions on 15th, 22nd and 29th November 7:30-8:30pm, Joe is running tennis parent workshops at Islington Tennis Centre. The sessions are for parents whose children compete regularly and are designed to help parents support their child in… Developing resilience Managing and processing emotions on court Solving tennis challenges and […]


ONLINE BOOKING OF ADULT GROUP COACHING COURSES AND DROP-IN SESSIONS   All adult group coaching and drop-in sessions must now be booked online. Please do not book directly with the coach. Spaces are limited and priority is given to those booking through our online booking process.   Details about your online membership username and password […]

Wednesday Night Court Booking

From the beginning of October, members can book main courts 3 and 4 for free play on Wednesday evenings. This will continue throughout the winter, whilst the winter leagues are taking place. Book from 7pm to 8.30pm or 8.30pm to 10pm by emailing info@highgate-tennis.co.uk You can make bookings 2 weeks in advance