Happy New Year!
Welcome to 2016 to all our members, supporters and partners. Last year the club was voted ‘Best Tennis Club in Middlesex’ by British Tennis and we were shortlisted for ‘Best Sports Club’ in Haringey by Haringey Council, so we must be doing something right!
This year we have some really great events and programmes to look forward to. Here’s a quick reminder of what’s coming up and things to look out for. Winter League will finish a bit early this year (end Feb) and will be swiftly followed by team trials. We have six men’s and six women’s teams, all playing in the Middlesex League, so watch out for details of how trials will be run this year.
Over the next few weeks we’ll be moss treating courts 3 & 4 and some parts of the school courts and weather permitting, we’ll be painting all five of our main courts in early to mid April. Thanks again to all those who helped fund the maintenance work we have just completed!
The club and tennis section AGM will take place on Sunday 20th March – watch out for details. Remember that the club is run by volunteers and we are looking for members to join the tennis committee this year. Details on what’s involved will be circulated over the next few weeks, but if you are interested do please speak to any committee member.
We’ll kick off the season with a ‘Start the Season’ tournament in early May, followed by our famous Brookside Tournament, starting on 14th May and ending 6th June and our annual summer tournament will start on 20th August. See our annual events calendar here for all the info.
We’ll also be kicking off a programme of tennis for people with disabilities funded by Sport England and Ignite and will be hosting the Great British Tennis Weekend once again in May / June.
Finally, we will continue to provide an active coaching programme for members of all levels. If you have any feedback about our coaching programme please email Director of Tennis Steve Shea – stevesheatennis@aol.com
So lots to get involved in this year. Have a great 2016!
Highgate Tennis Committee