SCT Security – Vehicle Gate Closure
In a further effort to reduce antisocial behaviour on the Shepherds Cot, Trustees have agreed to have a security company close Park Road and Montenotte Rd gates Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays till the end of February 2019. Gates will be locked at 2200 and opened at 8am Sat and Sun. Club members and other authorised individuals will be responsible for opening Monday morning at Park Road as is currently the case. The School will open Montenottee Gate as they manage this security during the week. If members leave after locking times they need to lock the gate after them. It is requested that Highgate and Hanley members us Park Road gates if they are likely to be leaving later than 2200 on Fridays and weekends. During the week it will remain the responsibility of club members to close Park Road Gate after 2200 on an informal basis if they know the site to be empty of vehicles. Members should not approach strangers on site at night. If you are in any doubt of the lock combinations which remain unchanged do get in touch, but please do not pass the code to non members unless authorised.
If clubs have planned events or parties please would they inform Stephen Gardiner our North London CC Trustee well ahead of the booking times so he can arrange with the security company not to lock at 2200.
NLCC experienced nasty nightime vandalism this year and also the residences of the bungalow have been disturbed on a number of occasions by non member motorists on site at night. We hope this action will send a message to miscreants that our site is not for nightime sport.
Many thanks
John Newton
Chairman, Shepherds Cot Trust