Shepherds Cot Trust – Security Update
Dear Shepherds Cot clubs and other users of our site
As Autumn is upon us I want to generally remind everyone of security on the Cot to ensure we keep it Safe and Green.
Entrance Gates closure
This year we secured the site for a couple of winter months using a security firm. This was costly but we think it did send out a message to those who make unwelcome visits at night to our site and cause disturbance to the bungalow dwellers that they are not welcome. We have had fewer incidents …so far. Our funds do not allow for a full time service of this kind unless clubs and others were prepared to pay a levy for such a service. Do let us know if you have any proposals you would like the Trust to consider on this matter.
In the meantime, we urge you to inform your members and staff to lock the gates at Montenotte Road and Park Road after 10 pm (as the signage indicates) or when they think they are the last to leave the site after that time. Please tell them not to confront strangers at night, but always call the police on 999 in an emergency or 101 to report an incident. The code for unlocking the gates should only be given out to members or staff or your authorised visitors.
Hanley Gate
This gate on the way up to Hanley LTC continues to be a successful deterant to fly tipping and antisocial behaviour which used to characterise the Hanley car park quite often. Thanks must go to the Hanley members and any others who keep this gate open and closed only when needed. Keep up the good work!
CCTV and other improvements
The Trust has invested in various security improvements over the last few years: gates, CCTV, improved signage, paid security, setting up the neighbourhood Watch scheme and regular contact with the local Police Neighbourhood teams. CCTV is regularly maintained and has played its role in reducing incidents of car dumping and fly tipping. But again we have no reason to be complacent especially during quiet times during the day as well as at night.
Lighting on site
Ours is in many ways a remote site and at night after dark it can feel uneasy. We would like to request that all clubs communicate sensible ways to navigate arriving or leaving the site after dark. If necessary please encourage members and staff to carry torches and use routes that move to lighted areas as quickly as possible. People should be encouraged to think of walking with others and not alone, and carry a phone. While we will continue to look at legal, ecological, economic and practical ways to improve lighting in certain areas of our site, the police advise us that lighting in itself is not a solution to safety. While the safety of our community folk is paramount we must also be sensitive to our environment and wildlife.
We would like to ask you to report any concerns or incidents you may have to Tim Reynolds the Coordinator of the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme on:
So to conclude, as Nick Ross on Crimewatch used to say: Don’t have nightmares!
Many thanks for helping to keep the Cot Safe and Green!
Kind regards
John Newton
Chairman, Shepherds Cot Trust