Thursday Social Tennis and Winter Leagues
Read on for information about changes to social tennis in the winter and the start of Winter Leagues
Saturday and Sunday social tennis changes 2pm to 5pm.
From the beginning of October, Thursday evening social tennis will be replaced by our internal winter league doubles competitions on Monday and Thursday nights.
Each night is aimed at a different playing level, please note that the definitions below are not set in stone, but are broadly:
Monday nights
For members that are playing level ladder 7-17 .
£5.00 per person
Sign up here
Thursday nights
For members that are playing level ladder 1-7.
£5 per person
Sign up
Numbers are limited on each night, so book your place online. If you sign up but then cannot play please cancel your place via your club account so that a player on the waiting list can be added in your place.
Whichever night you play on you should get a good evening’s tennis, as everyone is given a ranking and your evening’s playing partnerships are based on pairing couples so that you end up playing against a similarly skilled playing couple. Rankings are revised weekly and everyone moves up or down the ranks according to how well – or otherwise – they play.
New members please note – in some games you will be paired with players stronger or weaker than yourself, and an important part of the winter league tournaments is about developing your skills and supporting partners with different abilities.
Winter leagues cost £5 per person per night to cover lights and tennis ball costs.
If you are uncertain as to whether you are eligible for a specific night, or have any questions about the winter leagues, then please speak to the organisers who are:
Monday – Roger Cowe
Thursday – Kevin