Visitors & Volunteers Needed!

We’ve had lots of new faces at the club in the past few weeks which is really good news. Just to let you know of a slight change we’ve made re potential new members.

Anyone thinking of joining is welcome to come to Social Play up to three times before needing to become a member so that they can get a feel for club life before they join. We used to allow six visits without needing to commit but as most people know within a couple of sessions whether they’d like to join or not we’ve now reduced this.

If you’d like to bring a guest down you can still do this for up to six times each membership year, there’s been no change to this. Please just sign guests in at the bar beforehand. There is a £5 fee for guests, which members are responsible for. We’ve recently had a couple of situations where people have been playing at the Club without being the guest of a member and with no interest in joining the club, essentially they’re just using the courts for free. To be able to distinguish between someone playing on this basis and with those who are guests or visitors interested in becoming members, we are now giving out Visitor/Guest Passes when people sign-in. Hopefully this will help us to not be used as a park would be!

We’re looking for a group of volunteers to help with meeting and greeting potential new members. This just involves being around during Social Play, signing people-in, helping new faces to mix-in, telling them a bit about the Club, the courts, Ladders, Winter League, etc.

If you’d like to be involved with this please let Michelle know via It would be great to have a few people involved in this and it’s a really good way of getting first dibs on a new partner!