Wimbledon 2014 draw
This year’s Wimbledon Ballot – Monday 5th May, 5pm
If you are interested in entering the ballot for Wimbledon Tickets then please read this e-mail carefully.
We have been allocated 31 pairs of tickets this year. This is about 20 pairs fewer than previous years due to changes in membership and British Tennis allocations. The important details are:
A ballot for the tickets will be held at the Club at 5pm, Monday, 5th May (Bank Holiday). (note: winners of the ballot have to pay for the tickets). There will also be an American Tournament, open to all members, run during the afternoon – more details to follow on this.
To be eligible for the draw you must:
- Have paid your Highgate Club membership subscription for 2014. Payment by internet must be made by Sunday, 27th April to ensure it has cleared in time. Details of how to pay your membership is here.
- Be a member of British Tennis (BT) and be affiliated to Highgate C<C. Please check the BT members affiliated to Highgate here. If you are not on there then you still have time to join (www.lta.org.uk/Members/Join/) but please ensure you do so by 21st April. Members must affiliate to Highgate and you can do that either by maintaining their own record or by ringing the LTA – more information is on their website or here:
- You will have been automatically allocated a rating when you signed up however you can check this by using the Player Search and entering your name. If you do not see yourself, then please request a rating by calling us on 020 8487 7000 or emailing Info@LTA.org.uk
- Signify that you want to enter the ballot (note: members are not automatically entered). To do this please email Richard Rogers – richard.rogers@dsl.pipex.com by 4th May.
- Be over 8 years old
Successful ballot winners will choose their tickets at the ballot on 5 May. If you are not going to be at the ballot you need to send an email to Richard Rogers richard.rogers@dsl.pipex.com with your ticket selection, in order of preference.
Tickets available:
- The list of available tickets can be seen here as a pdf.
- Please send your ticket selections in an e-mail (this excel version of the ticket list can be used if that helps) and send it back to Richard by 4th May.
- Successful ballot winners who do not send in ticket selections and who are not present at the ballot will be allocated the most expensive ticket available.
When ballot winners have selected their tickets you will be entered onto the BT web site and you will receive an e-mail from BT asking you to pay directly to BT within 14 days. Tickets will be sent directly to you by BT.