Notice of Annual General Meeting to be held at the club on Sunday 23 March 2014 at 12 noon
Venue – Highgate Cricket & Lawn Tennis Club, Shepherds Cot, Park Road, London, N8 8JJ
The meeting will consider the following AGENDA:
- Apologies
- Minutes of the 2013 AGM held on Sunday 24 March and any matters arising thereon. The 2013 AGM minutes can be found here.
- General Committee’s report
- Treasurer’s report
- Club refurbishment
- Shepherd’s Cot Trust report
- Election of Officers of the General Committee (Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, General Secretary, Bar Secretary, Child Welfare Officer & Social Secretary).
- Election of not less than three members of the Bar Committee
- Election of Hon. Auditor
- Any other business
Note 1: Reports (General Committee Report, Tennis GC Report and Audited Accounts) can be downloaded here.
Note 2: The Tennis AGM will follow the Club AGM
Officers of the Club
The following are to be elected at the AGM:
- The chair is responsible for the running of the General Committee, which manages the club and controls its finances and development. The chair is the spokesperson for the club internally and in its relations with the wider community.
- This is a new position and the Vice–Chair’s role is to help the Chair in the running of the General Committee. The Vice-Chair will also take on ad-hoc projects as required.
- The treasurer is responsible for the club’s finances, producing accounts and other financial information. The treasurer shall control all bank accounts and maintain approvals of capital and other items of expenditure.
- The general secretary takes the minutes of all meetings and is responsible for communications within the club and outside. The role also covers application for grants and co-ordination of other fundraising activities.
- The bar secretary is the club’s representative in running the bar in conjunction with the bar franchisee. The role ensures that member’s interests are represented in the way the bar operates.
- The child welfare officer ensures that correct practice is followed in the club’s dealings with vulnerable adults, children and persons under 18. The role involves working with representatives from the cricket and tennis committees in ensuring that the individual sections operate correct practices and that any incidents or complaints are followed up and, if necessary, reported to the correct authorities.
- The social secretary is responsible for organizing social functions within the club. Includes the Christmas party, quiz nights, tennis finals party etc.
- Election of not less than three members to the new Bar Committee.
Process for the election of officers
The following nominations have been received so far:
- Chair – Richard Tusting
- Vice-Chair – Charlie G Sweeney
- Hon. Treasurer – Andy Newton
- Hon. General Secretary – (Shared) Patsy Nightingale and Kate Stevens
- Bar Secretary – Graeme Jenkins
- Child Welfare Officer – None
- Social Secretary – (shared) Vicky Gilbart & Kim Slater
Further Nominations
- Nominations are invited for any of these positions and to the bar committee. These can be made via the nominations sheet in the clubhouse or by e-mail to patsy.nightingale@gmail.com
- Nominations should be received no later than midnight on 15th March 2014. The list of nominations will then be circulated to the membership. If there is only one candidate nominated to fill any particular vacancy, that candidate shall be declared elected unopposed for that particular vacancy at the Annual General Meeting.
- If there is more than one candidate for any particular vacancy there shall be an election in accordance with Section E4 of the Club Constitution.
- If no nomination has been received 7 days before the meeting, nominations will be accepted at the AGM and if appropriate an election held. A copy of all nominations received will be posted at the clubhouse and updated as nominations are received, up until the closing date for nominations.
If you wish to discuss any of these positions please do so with any committee member or phone Andy Newton on 07950 932855 or Patsy Nightingale on 07813 075168.
Patsy Nightingale/Kate Stevens (General Secretaries) 26 February 2014
On behalf of the General Committee – Highgate Cricket & Lawn Tennis Club