Membership Fees 2022 & Staff Update


We are pleased to have been able to deliver the resurfaced school courts and LED floodlights on courts 1 to 4 over the last twelve months. The patio area will shortly be reseeded and hopefully will be a big improvement this summer. The school courts will be repainted as soon as the weather allows.

We are also working hard on our plans for Brookside. Our outline planning application has been approved. More news in due course.

As members will be aware costs are rising. Due to some astute work by the Treasurer most of our energy costs were fixed for three years prior to the recent price hikes. Hopefully British Gas remain trading! We have though to bear in mind that our income needs to increase if our costs do, so that we can continue to invest in our facilities.

The Club’s committees have looked at the situation and are proposing a 5% increase to tennis subscriptions (for new members who join after 30th April this year) with a further 5% increase for those people next year. We are however mindful of the fact that finances are difficult as we emerge from the pandemic so we will not increase our fees for existing members this year. These will increase by 10 percent for all renewals on or after 1st March 2023. The new members who joined after 30th April 2022, will have their subscriptions increase by 5 percent on their anniversary in 2023, bringing them in line with the 10pc rise for existing members.

Please see the attached table as to how this will affect you.

Please note those members that took advantage of the early bird rate in 2020 will be sent a top up payment link to bring their membership fees up from 2019 to 2020 levels. Please for ease of our administration if these could be paid without delay it would be appreciated.

Please also note that junior subscriptions will be held at 2020 levels for 2022. We will review these and confirm the 2023 rates in due course.


Shelley will be leaving us at the end of March after five years great work doing accounts, tennis and cricket administration. We will miss her and wish her well.

Shelley will be replaced by Carolyn (Jarvis) who will look after the accounts and work on tennis administration. Fortunately, Tracey is still with us and will even be on the same time zone as the rest of us!

Many of you will be aware that Nick Fowler left us in October to take up work in Nottingham. Nick had been with us for well over 10 years. He too will be missed. We are pleased to welcome Pedro (Fernandez) to the club. Pedro joined on 21st March and will look after gardening, tennis courts, Brookside and other general maintenance. Sharon will continue to do the cleaning.

Finally, Dan the cricket grounds person is also moving on (to Dunstable). He will still be around from time to time. We are however pleased to welcome George (Greenslade) as Dan’s replacement. George joined us earlier in the month.