Shepherds Cot Consultation Workshop – Thurs 20 March
Shepherds Cot Consultation Workshop – Thursday 20th March 2014, 7-9pm at North London Cricket Club
Join the “Shepherds Cot Consultation Workshop” on Thursday 20th March 2014, 7-9pm at North London Cricket Club. Free wine and nibbles for all!
All three Shepherds Cot clubs (Highgate, Hanley and North London) have been working together over the past year to think of ways that we can maintain and improve the Cot. Now it’s your turn. The aim of the workshop is to give you all the chance to share your ideas and discuss what the Cot means to you and how we invest in and maintain it for the future.
Miriam Levin and Matthew Nimmo (both local experts in community consultation) will be leading the workshop, keeping things to time whilst guiding us through a series of group activities designed to focus our thoughts and ensure everyone has the chance to contribute meaningfully.
This is a joint event open to all members of the three Shepherds Cot clubs and will be a really good opportunity to meet and get to know some of members of the other clubs.
The workshop outcomes will feed into this dialogue along with an online survey planned for later in the year.
If you want to take part, please email Janet Newton or 07956 961813 so we have an idea of numbers.