For All Tournament Entrants
The Draw is being managed by Challonge. Link to draw
Jon Zahedieh is the Tournament IT expert so please refer any queries on Challonge to him!
Play By Dates
Please make contact with your opponents to arrange your matches. Members details are available via your Club booking account “Members List”. To ensure the Tournament runs smoothly and fairly please arrange for your matches to be played in good time and in advance of the Play By date.
Court Bookings
As a Tournament entrant you will have priority booking on courts 1 to 4 at assigned times – Saturdays and Sundays and from 5pm on weekdays. The usual restriction of only being able to book 7 days in advance and 2 open bookings does not apply to Tournament matches. This priority booking will be available from 19th August. You will not need to pay for lights but you will need to provide your own balls. Cans of balls can be purchased from the bar for £5. Bookings are made in the usual way via Highgate Club Solutions.
You have been assigned a Tournament Membership and you must use this when making a booking to get the priority booking and free lights.
Any bookings on School Courts should be made using your usual Membership but there is no priority or free lights.
Lights have preprogrammed lighting periods and will be turned off promptly at 10pm. If you have not ended your match when the lights switch off you will need to make another booking to conclude your match on a subsequent day.
Lights have preprogrammed start times and will only be available from 7.30pm up to and including 1st September and from 7pm after this date. If your court booking starts on or after the preprogrammed start time you do not need to do anything – lights will switch on automatically. However, if your court booking starts before the preprogrammed start time you will need to “Add Lights” to your court booking. PLEASE NOTE YOU CAN ONLY DO THIS 15 MINUTES OR LESS FROM THE TIME YOUR COURT BOOKING STARTS OR DURING THE TIME OF THE COURT BOOKING.
You book a court for 30th August when the lights start time is 7.30pm. If your booking starts at 7.30pm or later you do not need to do anything. However, if your booking starts before 7.30, say at 7pm, you will need to go into your booking anytime from 6.46pm on the day of the booking and “Add Lights”. More details on how lights work are available on the Club website
Please enter your scores into Challonge promptly on completion of your matches so that subsequent rounds can be organised.
Match Format
The best of 3 sets
Sudden Death deuce
Tie-break at 6-6 in all sets
Plate Events
All 1st Round/1st Match (where you have a bye or a walkover in Round 1) losing players will be eligible to enter a Plate Event. Entry to Plate Events will be opened at some stage after the first week of the Tournament.
Good Luck everyone!
Sharon Webber
Jon Zahedieh
Rachel Lewis