Update on Club Tournament Scheduling and Court Bookings

We hope you’re enjoying the ongoing club tournament! We have a few updates and reminders regarding court bookings and tournament rules to ensure a smooth experience for everyone:

  1. Court Availability During Peak Hours: Courts 1-4 will not be available for general use during peak weekday hours (after 5pm) due to high demand for tournament matches. Additionally, weekend courts will not be available for booking by non-tournament members at this time. We will review the scheduling demands on Friday evening and release any available courts for general booking over the weekend, allowing members to book courts up to 48 hours in advance if possible.
  2. Tournament Membership Usage: A reminder to all tournament entrants: please refrain from using your tournament membership to book non-tournament matches, such as ladder matches. Any such bookings will be cancelled.
  3. Extended Court Booking Hours: Courts 1-5 can now be booked, and lights used until 11pm. Please note that the clubhouse will close before then, so ensure you manage the lights via the court booking system. If you would like the extended lighting time on other courts, please let us know.
  4. Plate Entries: All eligible players will be automatically entered into the plate competition, and you will receive a confirmation email from Challonge. If you are unable to participate, please inform the organisers as soon as possible.
  5. Sudden Death Deuces: As a reminder, all tournament matches should be played with sudden death deuces to help prevent scheduling delays.

You can keep track of the tournament’s progress by visiting the event draws.

We encourage everyone to come down to the club to enjoy some great tournament tennis!

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding as we work to make this tournament a great success for all.

Best regards,

Sharon Webber
Jon Zahedieh
Rachel Lewis