Coronavirus Guidance & AGM Postponement


Following the government’s announcement yesterday asking the public to adopt social distancing practices, the club’s 29th March Annual General Meeting (AGM) is postponed until such time as it is suitable to reconvene. Members are invited to submit any queries they may have, to Susan and William, around issues that would arise at the AGM. The current committee members will continue to manage the club, but if anyone else wishes to put themselves forward for a committee that will be welcomed.


Whilst the LTA reviews government advice in relation to tennis, the club’s committees have decided to keep the club open, including the clubhouse, bar and the gym. Junior and adult coaching groups will continue to run, and individual lessons can be booked as normal. Ladder matches can be played, though no-one will be penalised if they choose not to do so at the moment. Middlesex LTA have suspended all team matches until 23rd March while they review the situation. Everyone should do all they can to minimise the risks of Coronavirus, by hand washing, maintaining distance, and avoiding close physical contact, including handshaking with others. Those who should be isolating themselves on the basis of government guidance must not come to the club. There is obviously still some risk associated with coming to the club, like virtually all activities at the moment. Individuals must decide whether to take risk, and must remember that the committees cannot warrant, if you will excuse the legal language, that you will not contract Coronavirus at the club. Please only come if you are prepared to accept that risk.

Please follow official sites for further guidance on the virus, and the LTA site for that specifically related to tennis.