Highgate Tennis Club Membership Renewals 2020/21

Highgate Tennis Club Membership Renewals 2020/21

Dear Members,

As you will be aware most members (90%) are now paying their club membership fees as an online annual subscription. This has simplified administration of our membership renewal process and is important as the majority of the Club’s net income is from membership subscriptions.

Renewal will be automatic by annual direct debit on the anniversary of your initial payment date. Before the renewal date you will be emailed an initial reminder from the Club about 25-30 days before the renewal of your membership.

You can check your payment renewal date from the My Account tab found on the top of the club website which takes you to this link or check your inbox for the email you would have received from GoCardless at the time the direct debit was set up.

Select ‘Membership/Packages’ from the menu bar on the left to find the ‘Purchased’ date, this is the date that your membership subscription will be renewed.

Each year in February, the Club reviews the membership rates to determine the fees that will be set for new membership and renewals for 2020/21.

Membership fees for the year 2020/21 will be frozen and therefore will remain the same as last year. You can find the current membership fees in the table at the end of the email.

Please note, for those members who last year purchased an Early Bird membership (2018 rates) your renewal fee has been increased to the 2020/21 rates. You will receive a separate email from membership@highgate-tennis.co.uk with a payment link for the additional payment to top up to this year’s rate.

AGM – The Club AGM will take place on Sunday 29th March at 12 Noon and will be followed by the Tennis Section AGM at 2pm. Please make every effort to attend to review last year and input into the club’s future plans.

If you have any concerns or questions regarding the membership policy, please email: William Winston (tennis.chair.highgate@gmail.com), Susan Paterson (suzy_p@msn.com) or Jane Sumner (danielandanna@aol.com)

Best wishes

William Winstone (HCLTC Tennis Section Chair)

Susan Paterson (HCLTC Chair)

Jane Sumner (Membership Secretary)

Membership Terms & Conditions

Membership Terms & Conditions – Juniors